Bronte Charlotte The Professor. Volume 2

Bronte Charlotte - The Professor. Volume 2
  • Авторы - Bronte Charlotte
  • Количество страниц - 433
  • Дата печати: 2018
  • Выпускающий редактор - Филиповский Лев Гертрудович
  • Главный художник: Парамонычев Созон Бориславич
  • Категория: RUGRAM_Public Domain
  • Формат - pdf, fb2, txt, epub

Подробная информация: The Professor. Volume 2

Charlotte Bronte was an English novelist and poet, the eldest of the three Bronte sisters who survived into adulthood and whose novels have become classics of English literature. The Professor was published only after Charlotte Brontes death and today it gives us a fascinating insight into the first stirrings of her supreme creative imagination. The book is the story of a young man, William Crimsworth, and is a first-person narrative from his perspective. It describes his maturation, his career as a teacher in Brussels, and his personal relationships. William reveals his attraction to the dominating directress of the girls' school where he teaches, played out in the school's "secret garden". Bronte Charlotte The Professor. Volume 2 читайте и оставляйте отзывы о книге.

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  • Bronte Charlotte The Professor. Volume 2
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